Business Intelligence in Parking Operations

Posted: Sept, 29, 2020 9:55AM ET • 1 min read

Two hands holding an iPad displaying a parking management dashboard with a line graph displaying parking analytics

Business intelligence has entered the world of parking operations in full force. Business intelligence builds off of data provided by smart parking systems, and through artificial intelligent algorithms formulates predictions and insights that allow parking facility managers to optimize their parking operation and identify revenue-generating opportunities.

An example of business intelligence in the parking industry is the ability to create dynamic pricing strategies based off of parking occupancy variations during certain months, days, and at certain times. 

If you are looking to dive deep into your parking operations through data analysis, it’s essential to invest in smart parking systems that effectively collect data and are able to communicate this information to a business intelligence system. From there you’ll want to ask your parking technology supplier about having access to an analytics dashboard that can generate insights, reports, and, most importantly, predictions. Key analytics you will need access to include:

  • Revenue generation

  • Parking space occupancy

  • Customer types

  • Permit types

  • Payment types

  • Period-over-period comparisons

Let’s face it, poring through reams of data isn’t for everyone, which is why it’s important to have the information displayed in a clear and easy-to-understand dashboard. Also be sure to narrow your analysis down to key performance indicators that really matter to you.

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Headshot of Abhadesh Sharma, P Eng Senior System Engineer, Precise ParkLink

Abhadesh Sharma
P.Eng.,PMP | Senior System Engineer

Abhadesh is a professional engineer licensed by the Professional Engineers of Ontario as well as a project management professional accredited by the Project Management Institute. Since graduating from Goa University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Engineering, he has gained over 15 years of experience in electrical and electronics engineering, project management, product testing, and development. Abhadesh joined Precise ParkLink in 2010 to become an original member of our Research & Development team.



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