92% of People Find Parking Online

Posted: Sept, 09, 2020 12:55PM ET • 2 min read

92% of People Find Parking Online.png

Today, nearly 92% of drivers begin their search for parking online. Whether it’s to pre-plan where to park, reserve a parking space, or use GPS to find a parking lot, your customers are searching for, finding and deciding where to park online eight to 14 hours before arriving at their destination.

How? They are using online search engines, such as Google, and mobile GPS apps such as Google Maps, Waze, and Apple Maps. 

When drivers search for parking online, their mindset is simple: where is the closest parking lot in walking distance to my destination? And how much does parking cost? From there, they may think: what kind of parking lot is it — underground or surface? What kind of parking equipment is there — parking meters or a gated parking system? Does the parking lot have a mobile payment app? Or is credit card accepted? 

So, how do you get the details of your parking facility, such as its location and rates, online, and most importantly, to appear in top Google Search results? With the help of your parking management service provider you need to leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a web page by ensuring it is ranked high by Google, and as a result appears in top Google Search results. 

In a nutshell, establishing SEO requires developing a web page to your parking facility that features the details your customers may need to know when planning where to park. For effective SEO the web page must be developed using best practice SEO techniques requiring the expertise of a search marketing professional. In addition to a web page, you will need to establish local-SEO. Local-SEO is similar to SEO however is specific to physical locations. This too, needs to be created using search marketing expertise. 

Once the basics are established, SEO can be enhanced using advanced online marketing tactics such as advertising on Google, social media and content marketing.

Parking facilities with an optimized online presence see higher occupancy rates in their parking lots during evenings, weekends, and downtimes — and generate more revenue as a result. Put your parking operator’s digital marketing skills to the test. Ask what it’s doing to ensure your parking facility is visible online.

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Headshot of Maria Lato, Marketing Manager, Precise ParkLink

Maria Fiorini
Director, Marketing & Communications

The National Parking Associations 40 Under 40 Class of 2021, Maria oversees a talented team marketers and graphic designers who are dedicated to applying innovative marketing techniques to improve our clients’ profitability. Under Maria’s leadership since 2018, the marketing team has grown significantly as their successes have only increased demand for their services. Among her many accomplishments during her tenure with Precise ParkLink, she spearheaded our digital marketing strategy, a program that has helped several prominent clients see substantial gains in their revenue. Currently, she is leading our Urban Mobility campaign, leveraging her extensive digital marketing experience and intuitive understanding of technology trends within the parking industry. As an innovator, entrepreneur, and someone who appreciates creative, outside-the-box thinking, she firmly believes “there’s a solution to every problem.”



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