Why Contactless Parking Is More Important Than Ever

Posted: Sept, 03, 2020 9:08AM ET • 3 min read

Single space parking meter

Originally published on SecurePark.

Businesses are beginning to reopen, employees are heading back to work and more vehicles are returning to the roads. While pandemic restrictions continue to ease up, the importance of safer, more sanitary processes continues to be a priority among organizations worldwide. When it comes to parking, enforcement officers and property managers are looking for better ways to manage parking lots, issue violations and provide parkers a safe and contactless parking experience.

A major concern across the parking industry right now is the use of high-touch areas for both parkers and enforcement officers like payment meters, handheld devices and entry gates. These touchpoints are some of the most frequently used spots in a parking lot, which makes finding a safer and contactless alternative that much more essential.

There are a wide range of parking software solutions available that not only drive management efficiencies, but have digital and touchless features to support these tighter health and safety protocols. Some of these features include the following:

1. Automatic Entry + Digital Permits

What if we told you that parking was as easy as waving your hands? Well, it is. With automated parking software, parkers can signal the system to allow entry into a gated parking lot without having to touch anything. For private lots, such as residential parking, parkers can obtain a digital permit and get access by scanning a barcode or using a parking app on their mobile device. This contactless entry feature not only eliminates hundreds of parkers pressing the same button throughout the day, but also helps to shift traffic flow much faster while ensuring safety and compliance.

2. License Plate Recognition

License plate recognition (LPR) offers a more efficient and contactless experience for both parkers and officers. LPR enables officers to enforce parking by simply scanning license plates using a handheld device or vehicle mounted cameras with no actual contact with a vehicle. It also allows them to collect relevant data to manage parking lots, monitor parking duration and understand how the lot is being used, all from a distance. Fixed-mounted LPR technology allows permitted parkers to easily enter a lot without having to press any buttons or contact anyone.

For example, in a hospital, doctors can register their license plates to access a private staff lot. In this case, the fixed-mounted LPR cameras will recognize the license plates of these particular vehicles and permit automatic access upon arrival.

3. Contactless Payment

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the World Health Organization continues to advise the public to limit cash transactions and wash their hands after handling cash. That said, many businesses have chosen to limit their transaction methods to contactless and digital formats. When it comes to parking, physical kiosks and meters become subject to possible contamination due to the influx of payments each day. Alternatively, with a contactless payment system, parkers can simply tap their card to pay, without having to touch any key pads or buttons.

4. Virtual Customer Service

Some parking lots have an attendant on site for customer service purposes; however, this has become a little more difficult in the current environment. In order to provide a positive customer experience, parking attendants now have the ability to assist parkers through two-way video and voice call. By adapting to these changes, parking attendants and property managers can continue to provide quality customer service, while protecting the health and safety of on-site staff.

To reduce the potential spread of the virus from one parker to another, enforcement officers and property managers can improve health, safety and overall efficiency by integrating these touchless options. At SecurePark, our solutions are designed to help you achieve each of these objectives. To learn more about how you can implement our parking technology, contact us today.

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Established in 2009, SecurePark was built to simplify the parking challenges many organizations face on a daily basis. Engineered by commercial parking operators, we use the latest smart technologies to build adaptable software solutions that support organizations across every industry. Driven by customer success, SecurePark’s innovative SaaS solutions are designed to help customers create efficiencies, increase revenue, reduce costs and deliver exceptional service. SecurePark is continuously evolving and allows customers to stay innovative and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. 



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