The Future of Frictionless Parking Solutions

Posted: Sept, 14, 2020 8:56AM ET • 3 min read

A row of gated parking system exit columns with a vehicle pulling out of the parking garage

At its most basic, parking typically includes access control and payment using coded tickets provided upon entrance into a parking lot or garage. With the rapid development of technology and licence plate recognition (or LPR), some lots have advanced to ticketless parking where LPR is employed to uniquely identify a customer upon entry. This establishes a customer profile to track the session time to calculate the appropriate payment to be collected upon exit using a pay station positioned at the barrier. 

Frictionless parking solutions aim to take parking fully contactless with the ability to exit via a licence plate—not just entry by licence plate. Precise ParkLink’s licence plate recognition software links a customer’s session with their profile meaning tickets don’t need to be reinserted at a barrier and vehicles can leave the parking area faster, less stress reducing payment issues with credit cards, and increasing flow during high-traffic times.  

Unlocking possibilities via licence plate recognition. This not only simplifies payment but allows managers to have a better birds-eye view of real-time activity, traffic trends, and reward your most loyal parking customers and monthly users. A wide variety scalable features include ticketless and frictionless parking via licence plate, controlled validations, real-time notifications, and enhanced VIP service for frequent users. 

Why are organizations moving toward it?

With parking being so lucrative, customers are looking for incentives to remain loyal with a provider if an incentive can be offered. Frictionless parking and LPR allows easy digital management of contract parking. Enrol monthly parkers and authorized staff in the LPR platform to manage vehicles that have access to parking facilities. For the customer, this means faster and barrier-free entry and exit, and for the business, it’s easier to approve or revoke drivers on a regular basis without the need of access cards or tickets that can be easily lost. 

Technology that works

LPR technology features a modular solution with hardware and software that’s future-proof and fit to evolve with an organization’s needs. LPR cameras positioned at entry and exit points are designed to capture sharp images and accurately recognize licence plate characters, plus customize controls that allow management to review licence plat images and, if required, manually edit, while grey and black lists can be programmed to automatically notify or restrict entry and/or exit by specific licence plates. Finally, leverage technology that can track and notify if a vehicle has made multiple entries over a short duration and action appropriately. 

Final thoughts

With increased competition in parking service offerings, considering the right technology is the key to future-proofing operations. Removing the pain-points of holding onto a ticket and fumbling around for a credit card at the exit barrier and adding the benefits of increased traffic flow and real-time data and trend tracking means you have ultimate control of your parking solution. Coupled with the ability to control it all remotely with support as you need means you’ll have an edge over the competition for years to come.

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Headshot of Winston Sih, Television host, digital media strategist, and multi-platform producer

Winston Sih

As a multi-platform broadcast journalist, Winston Sih helps audiences disseminate an all-too-confusing 21st century. From breaking news to entertainment, technology news and what’s trending, he was a daily television host for Breakfast Television, digital correspondent for CityNews, and Coordinating Producer, Digital, for Citytv—helping develop and bolster the network’s digital strategy.

Winston is currently a freelance technology and travel broadcast journalist, consultant, and is the creator and founder of Master Travellr—Canada’s destination for travel news, guides, and budget recommendations.

He specializes in strategic partnerships with leading consumer brands, event hosting, speaking, and digital strategy consulting. Winston has worked as Citytv’s technology correspondent on Cityline, syndicated across Canada and U.S., and contributed to CTV, CBC, CP24, BNN Bloomberg, 680 NEWS, Toronto Star, and The Globe and Mail.

Winston holds a Bachelor of Journalism from Ryerson University. He is a proud Canadian and currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



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