sweb® Mobile Pay: Safely and at a distance, pay instantly for parking from your mobile device. No app, no registration.

Posted: Aug, 28, 2020 10:28AM ET • 2 min read

Scan – Pay – Go

sweb Mobile Pay is the smart, easy and safe way for your parking guests to directly pay with their own smartphone. Especially in uncertain times it is imperative to offer your guests a safe way to pay for their parking:

  • Payparking tickets safely and remotely by simply using your own smartphone

  • No queuing at the payment device: increased safety and comfort for the parking customer

  • Remote payment removes close contact to people or the need for lines

  • No touching and handling of coins, bills or cards

  • Eliminates interactions with touchscreens, payment terminals or any other physical device

sweb Mobile Pay ensures maximum safety and provides an enhanced peace of mind. Across global recommendations for enhancing and protecting public safety, two standard measures are particularly critical and often required by the authorities:

  1. Maintaining distance between individuals (typically 1.5-2 meters minimum)  

  2. Avoiding physical contact (touching things with your hands)

Traditional payment processes require queuing up at a payment device or cash desk. People stand close to one another and interact with coins, bills, terminals and other items.

Luckily with SKIDATA, you can easily act now and protect your parking customers as well as your staff. Digital payment is just one of the initiatives that can be quickly deployed and effectively mitigates both the distance considerations  and the contact issue.

We live in uncertain times, yet one thing is certain: efficient and customer-friendly digital solutions are now rapidly becoming a must-have service for customers to pay conveniently and safely for their stay. This complete SKIDATA solution pushes your digitization efforts to the next level, providing unmatched comfort and user experience for your customers.

With sweb Mobile Pay, paying is easier than ever before. No cash, no cards and no queues: customers simply pay online via their own smartphone. This mobile payment solution is the perfect entry gate into the digital world: accelerate the digital transformation of your parking operation with this powerful, yet quick to deploy solution. Even better, you will achieve a reduction of operational expenses, (e.g., for payment machines due to fewer emptying and refilling and lower maintenance efforts).

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SKIDATA is an international leader in the field of access solutions and their management. Almost 10,000 SKIDATA installations worldwide in ski resorts, stadiums, airports, shopping malls, cities, spa & wellness facilities, trade fairs and amusement parks provide secure and reliable access and entry control for people and vehicles. SKIDATA places great value in providing solutions that are intuitive, easy to use, and secure. The integrated concepts of SKIDATA solutions help clients optimize performance and maximize profits. SKIDATA Group (www.skidata.com) belongs to the publicly traded Swiss Kudelski Group (www.nagra.com), a leading provider of digital security solutions.



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